「150 Food Station Point」
Rewards a HKD$60 Food Station Voucher.
One-stop catering service, providing up to 60 different types of self-selected food, always making your wonderful time and leaving the most delicious memories
Earn 1 Food Station Point for every HK$10 amount. Also, checked in the membership system can earn 1 Food Station Point. Food Station Point can reward different gifts.
Discount coupons from the below offers are only applicable to the next order.Rewards a HKD$60 Food Station Voucher.
Rewards a dish of Food Station 2lbs menu food, valued at $116 per dish.
Rewards a HKD$100 Supermarket Coupon.
Rewards a HKD$200 Food Station Coupon.
Rewards a Food Station 2lbs menu of 6-8 people with a 50% off Gift Coupon, valued at $464.
Rewards 1 Hong Kong Ocean Park Child Ticket, valued at $980.
Rewards 1 Hong Kong Disneyland Annual Pass, valued at $1348.
Rewards 1 Hong Kong Ocean Park Adult Ticket + 1 Hong Kong Ocean Park Child Ticket, valued at $2360.
Rewards 1 iPad mini Wi-Fi 64GB, valued at $3999.
Rewards 1 latest model iPhone 512GB, valued at $11899.
*Photo is for reference only
Unit B, 16/F, Luk Hop Industrial Building, 8 Luk Hop Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon
Tel: +852 9191 2824
Email: info@foooodstation.com